I PART: complete the sentences with affirmative or negative form of Be Going TO and the verbs in brackets. 1 points each one. (15 points). 1. Charol 2. You and She 3. The dog 4. They 5. The boys, 6. You and Me 7. Oscar 8. Alexander 9. We 10. Lilibeth and Osman 11. Mily 12. Beyanira 13. Eri 14. Joel 15. We cake. (+ make) a delicious dinner. (- eat) around the tree. (- run) with their cat. (+ play) a film. (+ watch) a test. (-have) a snowman. (+ make) his hair in his room. (+ comb) our teeth. (-brush) a song on the tree. (+ sing) the piano in the afternoom. (- play) some food for the party. (+ buy) his homework. (- do) a big party. (+ join) english on Monday. (- study) II PART: choose between the two options given. 1 points each one. (10 points) 1. Paul is not / are not going to work in a hotel. 2. My parents am not / are not going to visit my family next week. 3. Oscar are not / is not going to play the piano at the wedding. 4. Laura and Christofer am not / are not going to travel to Portugal. 5. Luisa and Jennifer are not / is not going to buy new furniture for their house. 6. Daniel is not / am not going to sleep in a tent tonight. 7. Anne and Raul is not / are not going to have childrewn. 8. Osman and Mariluz am not not/ are not going to cook their dinner. 9. Rodrigo are not / is not going to play soccer tomorrow. 10. Ronald and Marvin am not / are not goint to study for next weeks. III PART: put in order the following questions. 2 points each one. (20 points) 1. Sofia/ going to /? / dance /is/tonight. 2. Listen/?/is/Pau/music/ going to. Is/play/ Diego / soccer / going to /? Going to / swim / are/they/? / in the pool. 5. Go/is/he/ going to/fishing/? 3. 4. 6. Is/oscar/learn/ going to /english/? 7. Going to /?/Liley / clean /is/her house/_ 8. We / dinner? / going to / are/have/a/big_ 9. Write/ are/?/they/going to / a letter 10. Osman / going to / send /is/a gift/? ¡GOOD LUCK AND BLESSING