Last Tuesday, I had a terrible day at collage. First I (1)...... up at 10:00 a.m. and I was late for my morning History class. Then, Mr. Graham told (2)...... to give my History assignment to him by three o'clock. So after class, I went to the library to finish my assignment. Later, I needed to (3)...... a break and went for coffee with my friends. However, Terry ordered a pizza and (4)....... what! While I was eating a slice, some of the tomato sauce and cheese fell on my assignment. Luckily I had it on my USB memory stick, so I ran to the library to print it out again. However, there (5)...... something wrong with the printer, so I didn't print it out and I was starting to get really worried (6)...... it was almost three o'clock; so I started running to Mr. Graham's office, but I fell down the stairs and hurt my head and my knee. Luckily, I didn't break anything. In the (7)......, I got to Mr. Graham's office, but (8)...... wasn't there. I turned around to leave when I saw Mr. Graham in the (9)....... lot. I ran to him and gave him my assignment. I was so happy, but I don't think he was. He didn't like the pizza on (10)......!