A) Complete with the following pronouns: Personal, Objective, Reflexive, Demonstrative:
1) The blue car is ________. 2) ________ is the house I bought. 3) ________ been studying English for a long time. 4) She did her homework all by ________.
B) Answer the following questions:
1) Which is your favorite color? 2) Who is running in the park? 3) Whose car is this? 4) Where does she live? 5) When will you go to the cinema? 6) How do you feel today? 7) What music do you like?
C) Write one sentence using the following pronouns: _ Personal _ Objective _ Demonstrative _ Possesive
D) Complete using Interrogative Pronouns:
1) ________ are you doing? 2) ________ broke the glass? 3) ________ do they study? 4) _______ do you prefer? Day or Nigth?