
A. Underline the gerund verbs
Now the children are at school. Amy is sewing. She is practicing. She is sitting on a bench. She is sitting near Timmy. Timmy is at school too. Timmy is studying. He is sitting behind his desk. He wishes he could play with the other children. John and Susan are also at school. They are playing outside. They are picking flowers for their teacher. John is carrying his hat. Susan is wearing a bonnet. At this moment, Sarah is walking

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Now the children are at school. Amy is sewing. She is practicing. She is sitting on a bench. She is sitting near Timmy. Timmy is at school too. Timmy is studying. He is sitting behind his desk. He wishes he could play with the other children. John and Susan are also at school. They are playing outside. They are picking flowers for their teacher. John is carrying his hat. Susan is wearing a bonnet. At this moment, Sarah is walking


Los verbos en gerundio son la unión de un verbo en infinitivo + la terminación "ing" y siempre vienen acompañados del verbo to be. Por ejemplo, el gerundio de play (jugar) sería playing (jugando).

She is (verbo to be) camping (camp+ing es gerundio).

Traducción: Ella está acampando.