
Realizar un dialogo (14 líneas mínimo) donde se evidencie el uso de why y because al menos 2 veces cada uno.

Respuesta :

—Hello. You are here because you are suspect for be a murderer.—said the police, sitting down in his chair.

— I do not do anything bad. I promise it.—the other man was very afraid.

— Where was you into sevent half, and eicth o´clock for yesterday?

— I was in the cinema.

— Who was whit you?—ask the police.

— Nobody, I was alone.

— Why? Why you was alone?—the agent is thinking in something more when he ask this.

—Because when I go to watch some film whit my friends they speak very much.

— Do you konow to this girl, Maria Bermejo.—The police show to the suspect one picture.

—Yes, she is one of my classmates. Why do you ask it?

— Because she is the murdered girl.

Espero que te sea útil, si es así no dudes en decírmelo
