2 ** Complete the conversation. Use the stores from Exercise 1. MIA So, here's the shopping list. ADAM OK, where do we have to go first? MIA Let me see. Well, we need Dad's newspaper. Let's go to the "newsstand" first. ADAM Wait a minute. What else do we need? MIA Well, we need to buy stamps and mail these cards. The 1_______ isn't far. Let's go. ADAM : No. I need to get jeans first. We could start at the 2_________ on Elm Street. MIA : We need to get a book for Mom first. Remember - it's her birthday soon. The 3_____ closes at five! ADAM : I need to pick up Dad's medicine. The 4_____ isn't too far from there. MIA OK, and there's a 5____ where we can buy all the food we need for tonight.
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