Respuesta :
1.) Eat vegetables that you like every day.
Take a short nap (10-15 minutes) every time you need it.
Learn to breathe: from the base of your lungs.
Stay away from refined sugars. Just sometimes.
6drink water
Go to your friends even if you are very "busy."
Find a sport or exercise that you enjoy. But it will not be "found" just look for it!
8 Criticize less.
9 Chew your food well. They are not going to escape.
10Any excess reduce it, even a little.
2.) Presente Contonuo:
Estoy conduciendo mi coche
Im driving my car
Im not driving my car
Am I driving my car?
Estoy jugando con mis amigos
Im playing with my friends
Im not playing with my friends
Am I playing with my friends?
Estoy nadando en la piscina
Im swimming in the pool
Im not swimming in the pool
Am I swimming in the pool?
Estoy lavando los platos
Im washing the dishes
Im not washing the dishes
Am I washing the dishes?
Estoy cocinando con mi madre
Im cooking with my mom
Im not cooking with my mom
Am I cooking with my mom?
Estoy abriendo la puerta
Im opening the door
Im not opening the door
Am I opening the door?
Estoy caminando en el parque
Im waking in the park
Im not walking in the park
Am I walking in the park?
Estoy estudiando para un examen
Im studying for an exam
Im not studying for an exam
Am I studying for an exam?
Estoy bailando con un chico
Im dancing with a boy
Im not dancing with a boy
Am I dancing with a boy?
Estoy pensado en ti
Im thinking about you
Im not thinking about you
Am I thinking about you?
Estoy acabando mi tarea
Im finishing my homework
Im not finishing my homework
Am I finishing my homework?
oraciones en su forma afirmativa:
1. They are waiting for you.
2. It is raining.
3. He is sleeping.
4. She is cleaning the room now.
5. She is looking for the book
oraciones en su forma negativa:
1. They are not waiting for you.
2. It is not raining.
3. He is not sleeping.
4. She is not cleaning the room now.
5. She is not looking for the book
oraciones interrogativas con su respuesta:
1. Are they waiting for you? - No, they are not.
2. Is it raining? - Yes, it is.
3. Is he sleeping? - No he is not sleeping.
4. Is she cleaning the room now? - Yes, she is cleaning the room now.
5. Is she looking for the book? - No, she is not.