
INGLÉS: Traducir el siguiente cuento
Rufus was a mischievous little rabbit who lived with his mum in the country. His mum was very good with him. She made all the possible for him to have everything he needed. If the little rabbit was hungry, her mum went to look for a carrot. If he was thirsty, his mum went to the river and looked for water. In the morning, when Rufus had to go to school, his mum woke him up, prepared him the clothes and made him the breakfast.
One day Mum Rabbit had to go on a trip and Rufus was left alone. He was hungry and he did not know where to look for food. He was thirsty but he did not know where was the water. A bit sad, he went to bed because the following day he had to go very early to school. He slept a lot and while he was dreaming, he woke up because he felt that the rays of the sun were illuminating his face. While he looked the clock.. it was 11 o’clock in the morning! He had to go early to school and he had fallen asleep because his mum was not at home to wake him up. Neither had anyone prepared him breakfast
Traducir el cuento de Cuhullin, página 29 del libro.
I.- Traducir las siguientes oraciones en su cuaderno.
1.- My house is the largest one in our neighborhood.
2.- This is the smallest box I've ever seen.
3.- Your dog ran the fastest of any dog in the race.
4.- We all threw our rocks at the same time.
5.- My rock flew the highest.
6.- Today is colder than yerterday.
7.- China is bigger than Italy.
8.- She is younger than her brother.
9.- He is older than his friend.
10.- I stayed longer than I expected.
11.- My car is newer than yours.
12.- His house is bigger than mine.
13.- Tea is cheaper than champagne.
14.- We are smarter than they.
15,. I am taller than my bothers.
I.- Traduce las siguientes oraciones en su cuaderno.
1.- Karla is taller than Annie.
2.- Patricia is more beautiful than Andrea
3.- A train is faster than a bicycle
4.- I am happier than you.
5.- New cars are better than old cars.
6.- Rainy days are worse than sunny days.
7.- Elephants are bigger than dogs.
8.- Art is more interesting than fashion.
9.- Carl is funnier than Andrew
10.- Russia is the largest country in the world.
11.-I think movies are better and more interesting than television. However, I
love music, so music is the best art form in the world.
12.- My car is the most beautiful in my family. It is faster than my sister’s; it is
safer than my father’s. I love my car.
13.- Cell phones are more useful than computers but computers are sometimes
cheaper. However, I believe tablets are the best invention ever.
Tarea de inglés. Completa con la forma comparativa o superlativa del adjetivo escrito entre paréntesis y después traduce la oración.
1. This computer is (new) _______________ than your computer.
2. Louis is (old) ________ than George.
3. George is (young) _______ than Lisa.
4. Lucy is (young) ________ in the class.
5.- The yellow car is (expensive) ______ than the blue car.
6. That car is (expensive) _________ in the market.
7. Your car is (fast) _________ than this car.
8. Your car is (fast) _________ in the race.
9. This house is (big) _________ than my house!
10. This house is (big) _________ in the neighbourhood.
Tarea de inglés: Escribe sobre la línea la forma comparativa de los verbos que aparecen entre paréntesis. 1.- This red dress (nice)_________________ than the blue one. 2.- Mathematics is m (interesting) ______________________ than English. 3.- The Mathematics book is (new) ____ but is (cheap) ___than the English book. 4.- I think 4.- English is (easy) ___________ than Math. 5.- Ana is (thin) ______ and (attractive) _____________ than Martha’s sister.