Porfavor ayudenme ya miren la foto

1- Mr Green is a teacher, he teachs history.
2- Jim and Nick play football everyday after school
3- Leslie tidies her room once a week.
4- Peter and his friends go to school by bus.
5- The bank opens at 9.00 and closes at 4.00 pm
6- We wash our car every Saturday
7- Stanley likes Kikkis´s mucic.
1- Fish doesn´t swim in the sky
2- Kikki doesn´t play the piano
3- Teachers don´t work in banks
4- A banker doesn´t sell meat
5- Panda´s don´t eat fish
6- Leopards don´t live in Antarctica
1- Do you walk to school?
2- Does your brother like horror films?
3- Do we need any eggs?
4- Does it rain a lot in your country?
5- Do Mike and Paul live in this street?
6- Does Mr Jones teach Geography?