Lobo6950go Lobo6950go Inglés contestada 11-COMPLETAR LAS ORACIONES ESCRIBIENDO LA EXPRESIÓN DE TIEMPOCORRECTA FOR / SINCE.Example:Laura has been in the hospital for a month.She has been in the hospital since June.a) I have had class______four weeks.b) We have lived here_______March.c) She hasn't won a game_____last summer.d) He has been our Spanish trasversalmente________three years.e) She hasn't played chess______last yearf) We have been in this office_______two hours.g) I have been your neighbor________Marchh) I have been here_______last week.i) My grandfather has been in the hospital_________Monday.j) My friends have been here_______three days.k) I have worked here_______six years.PORFIS EL INGLES SE ME DIFICULTA BASTANTE al contestarmela correctamente le doy corona le doy gracias y la marco como la mejor pero ayudaaaaaaaaaa