

eggs did you buy ?

coffee did you drink last night ?

girls are there in your group ?

cans of beer do you want?

time have you got to play ?

stars can you see in the sky ?

sugar would you like in your tea ?

money did you pay for your bike ?

hours do you sleep every night ?

water did you drink ?​

Respuesta :



1- how many eggs did you buy?  

2- how much coffee did you drink last night?

3- how many girls are there in your group?

4-  how many cans of beer do you want?

5- how many are the oranges?

6- how much time have you to play?

7- how many stars can you see in the sky?

8- how much sugar would you like in your tea?

9- how much money did you pay for your bike?

10- how much hours do you sleep every night?

11- how many spanish words do you know?

12- how much water did you drink?  

Explicación: el 'how many' se utiliza para cuando te refieres a cosas contables, como números, cantidades como "2 caramelos" y el 'how much' es cuando te refieres a cosas incontables como "agua" y cosas asi


How many eggs did you buy?
How much coffee did you drink last night?
How many girls are there in your group?
How many cans of beer do you want?
How much time have you got to play?
How many stars can you see in the sky?
How much sugar would you like in your tea?
How much money did you pay for your bike?
How many hours do you sleep every night?
How much water did you drink?