
Alguienme ayudaaa
Los distintos tiempos verbales usados en ingles y su cambio a reported specch????
Por favorrrr

Respuesta :


1. Present Simple

3. Past Simple

4. Past Continuous o Progressive

5. Future

6. Present Perfect

7. Present Perfect Continuous

8. Past Perfect

En el Reported Speech el verbo principal retrocede un tiempo verbal. Por ejemplo, si en estilo directo tenemos 'I live in Italy. She said', en el reported speech tendremos 'She said that she lived in Italy'.


En el Reported Speech el verbo principal retrocede un tiempo verbal. Por ejemplo, si en estilo directo tenemos 'I live in Italy. She said', en el reported speech tendremos 'She said that she lived in Italy

Direct Speech → Reported Speech

Present → Past

‘I work in Argentina’ He said that he worked in Argentina

‘I am doing my job’ He said that he was doing his job

Past → Past Perfect

‘We saw a good film on TV’ He said they had seen a good film on TV.

‘I was dancing with Mary’ He said he had been dancing with Mary

Present Perfect → Past Perfect

‘I have done this before’ She said that she had done that before

‘I have been doing this for two years’ He said that he had been doing that for two years

Future → Conditional

‘I will visit my mother’ He said that he would visit his mother

‘I will be flying to Spain’ He said that he would be flying to Spain

Future Perfect → Conditional Perfect

‘I will have arrived there by 5 pm’ He said he would have arrived here by 5 pm

‘I will have been selling books for two years’ He said that he would have been selling books for two years


espero ayudarte dame estrellitas y corazón y cuando se pueda dame Coronitaaaaa please.