ayuda lo tengo que entregarlo hoy

I. Questions en negrita, Answers en cursiva
Are we in the gym? No, we are in the house.
Is it ugly? No, it is bautiful
Is he police? No, he is doctor.
Is he angry? No, he is happy.
Are they students? Yes, they are students.
II. Subject pronouns en negrita, interrogative form en negrita cursiva, negative form en cursiva.
1. They are in the park.
Are they in the park?
They aren't in the park.
2. They are students.
Are they students?
They aren't students.
3. It is important.
Is it important?
It isn't important.
4. She is beautiful.
Is she beautiful?
She isn't beautiful.
5. We are hungry.
Are we hungry?
We aren't hungry.
1. They write it on the notebook.
2. She sends it by e-mail.
3. I loves she.
4. She fed him.
5. It is for we.
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