Por favor son en inglés

Clean (limpiar): I don't like to clean the house, it's boring
Dance (bailar): "Dance with me," she said
Play (jugar): I play with my little cousin every time I see him
Study (estudiar): I study a lot so I can pass my exams
Wash (lavar): I wash my face every day before school
Visit:(visitar) We visit my grandma every weekend
Like (gustar - me gusta...): I like sports
Invent (inventar): I invent stories in my head
Want (querer): I want to go on holidays
Look (mirar): "Look, there is a butterfly!"
Use (usar): At school, we use pens instead of pencils
Work (trabajar): I work on a project with my best friend
Talk (hablar): My teacher says I talk to much in class
Need (necesitar): I really need a break
Help (ayudar): I help my friends with homework
No se que quiere decir en el último punto..srry