Yoanandrey2008go Yoanandrey2008go Inglés contestada Word Bank Look work in paris raise your hands write open your books answer be quiet read see you do con esas palabras completa las sigientes completa lo sigiente (el que me ayude le dare corona y le doy 50 puntos) teacher: Good moning students! ___________ on page 11. ___________ rhe story and ___________ the questions. ___________ the answer in your notebooks.Carla: ok miss blanco. we finished. teacher: well, now ___________ at the board and tell me what you see. Students: me, me, pls teacher, me!!! teacher: ___________ because I can't hear you! ___________ and we take turns.Carolina, tell me!!!carolina: It is a insect! teacher: Ok class, this is all for today. remember to ___________ your homework and ___________ tomorrow por favor ayudaa es para hoy y no tengo mucho tiempo:( por fa chicos :(