
1.3 Practice

Lee los siguientes datos principales sobre un festival que se lleva a cabo en España. Luego contesta en tu

cuaderno las preguntas que siguen; no olvides escribir respuestas largas.​

13 Practice Lee Los Siguientes Datos Principales Sobre Un Festival Que Se Lleva A Cabo En España Luego Contesta En Tu Cuaderno Las Preguntas Que Siguen No Olvid class=

Respuesta :


1: The name of the festival is La Tomatina

2: Takes place in Buñol, a little village near of Valencia, Spain

3: Happens annually during the last wednesday of Agust

4: 120 tons of red tomatoes

5: Locals and more people over the world

6: Begins at 12 am with a bang


Espero haberte ayudado cariño

Att: Winko

A continuación, vamos a leer el texto ´´El Festival de la Tomatina´´ que se lleva a cabo en España, Luego respondemos las preguntas.

Datos breves sobre ´´El Festival de La Tomatina´´

Read the following facts about La Tomatina Festival in Spain and answer the questions.

Answer the following questions. Remember to write a long answer.

1. ¿What is the name of the festival?

The name of the Festival is La Tomatina.

2. ¿Where is the festival?

Takes place in Buñol, a little village near Valencia, Spain.

3. ¿When is the festival?

La Tomatina festival happens annually during the last Wednesday of August.

4. ¿What is the ammunition of the festival?

The ammunition of the festival is 120 tons of red tomatoes.

5. ¿Who can participate in the festival?

Locals and people from all over the world. Maximum capacity: 22.000 participants. Just for adults at least 18 years old.

6. ¿What times does the festival begin?

Tomatina festival begins at 12am with a bang. ¡That ́s when the fun begins! The following hour will be one of the most intense and hilarious experiences of your life.

Learn more about the festivals at:



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