2. Match the situations with a probable advice, write the number in the parenthesis. SITUATIONS ADVICES 1.I can't find my ID card ( The best thing you can do is to look for a job in an English-speaking country 2. I am so stressed out these days ( ) You must go the dentist 3. My son is full of energy 4. My silver jewellery has got black ( ) You should go to travel agency and ask information 5. I want to learn English fast. ( ) If I were you, I would ask the boss for a rise 6. I am doing a lot of overtime at work! ( ) You'd better give her a lot of love. 7.1 have a pain in my tooths! ( ) Why don't you enrol him in a dance school? 8. My girlfriend is so very angry ( ) You should take a vacations 9. I am very tired, I need a rest! 10. I want visit Israel. ) You'd better go to the police declare it lost. ( ) Rubbing it with toothpaste works really well. You ought to take it easy - you only live oncel