Exercise 1:
Las oraciones que tienes que subrayar son:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15.
Exercise 2:
1. I have seen this movie before.
2. She has just finished her exams.
3. We have asked for an extension.
4. They have invited us for dinner.
5. Sue has traveled around the world.
6. Iraq has had a lot of trouble.
7. Pete and Bob have formed a band.
8. Sice July, Ahmad has made four thousand dollars.
9. The dogs have escaped.
10. Someone has let the dogs loose.
Exercise 3:
1. The students booked a flight to Vienna.
2. The cat catched a mouse.
3. Jack and Brian drawed this picture.
4. He invited his friends.
5. Julia maked a table with three columns.
6. My friends passed the geography test.
7. I feeded the rabbits.
8. The baby hedgehogs drinked the water. You need to get more.
9. The teacher losed they keys, so he can't open the door.
10. We downloaded the worksheets.
En el ejercicio 1: Solo tenias que buscar las oraciones que tuvieran verbos con "ed" al final y "have/has".
En el ejercicio 2: Solo tenias que colocar los verbos "has y have" donde van correctamente.
En el ejercicio 3: Solo tenias que agregarle a los verbos que están en paréntesis "ed" al final.
Coronita pliss <3