READ AND TROL TE OF PAUSE Hello, my name is Michelle in Luerpool 1 omise years live with my father, my mother and dod is 40 years old. His name Streha beard. My mum is 3 years old. Her name She has glosses. My brother is 3 years of mis Peter. He has blue eyes. My family is fontos. Bet 1. Her name is Melissa 2. She is from Holy TRUR 3. She lives in Liverpool. TRUS M A R T E S 4. She is 8 years old. TRUE FALSE 5. She lives in a farm. TRUE FALSE TRUE FASE 6. Her dad is forty years old, 7. Her mum is thirty-six years old. TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE 09H50 10H35 8. Her brother's name is Peter. 2:- READ THE QUESTION AND ANSWER THEM. 1. What is your name? 2. Where are you from? 3. Where do you live? 4. How old are you? 5. Do you have any sister or brother? MATEMÁTICAS RESPONSABLE: LIC. ALEJANDRO CHILE CASTRO un Hias de reciclaje, lapiceros de cores, puz, borrador, regia