
hacer 3 oraciones con cada pronoun según lo explicado en clase: 3 oraciones con I, 3con you, 3 con he, 3 con she, 3 con we, 3 con it, 3 con they, con you y dibujar​

Respuesta :

Esto es muy basico, pero espero que te ayude.

I can swim.

I drink water.

I speak spanish.

You are

You drink tea.

You can ride a bike.

He is 14 years old.

He drinks coffee every day.

He is playing tennis.

She likes bread.

She speaks english.

She drinks water.

We are playing chess.

We understand english and spanish.

We are studying.

They are drinking milk.

They are japanese.

They speak english and japanese.

It is an apple.

It is red.

It is round.