Callao is a port city located in the constitutional province of Callao in the western center of Peru. It has an area of 146.98km within which 17.63km correspond to the islands of the litorial alguien me me pueden escirbir como se prenuncia eso urgente porfaCallao is a port city located in the constitutional province of Callao in the western center of Peru. It has an area of 146.98km within which 17.63km correspond to the islands of the litorial
alguien me me pueden escirbir como se prenuncia eso urgente porfa en inglés yase que significa en español solo quiero saber cómo se debo pronunciarlo
Calo is port city low
tuhd in de contitucional provins of calo in de westen centro of peru. it has an erea of one hundred forty six. nine eight kilometrou