ante Lesson 15: OPLE WHO MAKTA FNCE on e observar y analizar el video sobre los landmarks més famosos del mundo, y resolver la ficha de análisis sobre el video, 1) Match the landmarkspletures with their correct names, seribe la letra dewiro de parto es que te el nombre correcto de cada uno de los landmarks 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) ( ) () ( ) () a) Taj Mahal b) Colosseum The Great Pyramid of Qize 4) The Stue of 6) Mach Plow The te te II) Write True (I) or Fake (1). Escribe verdadero e fale dentro de cada paréntesis. 1) The Great Pyramid of Giza is a group of four pyramids. ( 2) The height of The Statue of Liberty is 93 meters. 3) Roman Colosseum is located in India. lla 4) Machu Picchu has 20 buildings and structures. ( ) 5) Burj Khalifa is the smallest building in the world. II) Cide the right word. Encierra con un circule la palabra con la qee completes correctamente la oración .) The Statue of Liberty is located on Liberty port / island, New York b) The Roman Colosseum is an Amphitheater/Theater. c) The Stonehenge is a round / ring of vertical standing stones. d) The Great Wall of China is the longest structure ever built by machines / humans. ) The Taj Mahal / The Great Pyramid of Giza is the oldest of the seven wonders in the world