
Look at the sentences below and find the error in them. Once you have identified the error,

correct it and rewrite the sentence appropriately. (Mira a las oraciones a continuación e identifica el

error en ellas. Una vez identifiques el error, corrígelo y reescribe la oración adecuadamente).

a) Marcel and Luisa telled me that I was near to them when they were at the mall.

Marcel and Luisa told me that I was near to them when they were at the mall.

b) We didn’t watched the movie yesterday morning.

c) Do they travel last summer?

d) Carla brings a cake five days before. I still have some of it.

e) My parents comed to visit me before the pandemic started.

f) Did you called me?


Respuesta :


b) We didn’t watched the movie yesterday morning.

We DIDN´T WATCH the ...

c) Do they travel last summer?

DID they travel...?

d) Carla brings a cake ...

Carla BROUGHT a cake...

e) My parents comed to visit me before the ...

My ... CAME to visit...

f) Did you called me?

Sacale la ed a call
