
reto: Describe, en dos párrafos en inglés, sobre las acciones de su rutina diaria que generan residuos plásticos y aquellas que ayudan a reducirlos.​

Respuesta :


Aqui esta :)


Well, when I went to the market I did not carry bags, in which they gave me plastic bags. When I left the market, several times, I saw how people threw many bags, plastic, bottles. So think about the damage we do to the environment. And I made the decision that from now on I will carry eco-friendly cloth bags, not a plastic bag. Too When I see waste on the streets, I will pick it up and throw it in the garbage cans. That is why I will take care of the environment and my health.Well, when I went to the market I did not carry bags, in which they gave me plastic bags. When I left the market, several times, I saw how people threw many bags, plastic, bottles. So think about the damage we do to the environment. And I made the decision that from now on I will carry eco-friendly cloth bags, not a plastic bag. Too When I see waste on the streets, I will pick it up and throw it in the garbage cans. That is why I will take care of the environment and my health.

Espero que te ayude

Coronita :)

Describimos en dos párrafos las acciones de nuestra rutina diaria que generan redisuos plásticos y las que ayudan a reducirlos:

In my daily routine, the actions that generate plastic waste are buying products in the supermarket packaged in plastic, using plastic bags to transport fruits and vegetables home, and buying food packaged in single-use plastics.

However, the actions that contribute to reducing the volume of plastic generated are classifying the garbage according to the type of material and reusing plastic containers at home.

¿Por qué es importante reciclar el plástico?

Porque por su composición química, el plástico tarda en descomponerse entre 100 y 1000 años, razón por la cual debemos reducir el consumo de este material o destinarlo a su reutilización.

➡️ Conoce más sobre el impacto del plástico aquí: https://brainly.lat/tarea/50173411


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