3.-Read the texts, complete the factsheets and answer the questions.

Factsheet 1
name: Karina Fernández Condorena
from: Puno
favorite invention: is the fitotoldo of my community
why? Because we can grow vegetables in it
special characters: is really big
opinion:it is great
factsheet 2
Name:Wilson Pérez Reto
from mayobamba
Favorite invention: it is my portable radio
why: I like because I can listen to my favorite music and the aprendo en casa.
special characters I can take it everywhere i go
opinion: it is really fantastic
Las preguntas de abajo son sobre ti opinión
13 ¿ que texto es tu favorito?
a)El invento favorito de Karina b) el invento favorito de Wilson C)ambos
a)porque me gusta la (s) invención (es)
b) porque me gustan las descripciones
En esta actividad debes completar el Factsheet con la información dada sobre Karina y Wilson.
Name: 1) Karina Fernández Condorena
From: 2) Puno
Favourite invention: 3) Fitotoldo (greenhouse)
Why?: 4) We can grow vegetables in it
Special characteristic: 5) The Fitotoldo is really big
Opinion: 6) It is great.
Name: 7) Wilson Pérez Reto
From: 8) Moyobamba
Favourite invention: 9) Portable radio
Why?: 10) He can listen to his favourite music and the Aprendo en Casa programme
Special characteristic: 11) He can take it everywhere he goes.
Opinion: 12) It is old, but it is really fantastic.
13) Which text is your favourite?
14) Why?
Ver más https://brainly.lat/tarea/22424328