
write the sentences un futuro(simple/going to)

2:You eat chocolate (f.simple)
3:she doesn`t see her friend (f.going to)
4:My Friends went to beach (f.simple)
5:she loves him (f.going to)
6:they bought 2 Paris of jeans (f.simple)

rapido pliiis ​

Respuesta :


you are going to eat chocolate

she is not going to see her friend

my friends will go to the beach

she is going to love him

they will buy 2 pairs of jeans


escribe las oraciones un futuro (simple / going to)

2: comes chocolate (f. Simple)

3: ella no ve a su amiga (p. Ej., Yendo a)

4: Mis amigos fueron a la playa (p. Ej., Simple)

5: ella lo ama (p. Ej., Ir a)

6: compraron 2 Paris de jeans (p. Ej., Simple)


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