
Exercises: To Be
A. Escribe la forma correcta del to Be (am, is, are). Utiliza la forma sin contracción. Example:
We in the park. We are in the park. (Nosotros estamos en el parque)
1) 7o'clock.
4) David very happy.
2) They
good friends.
5) 20 years old.
3) The cot
on the table.
6) You Colomblon.
B. Escribe la palabra: is not/am not /is/are / are not/ am, para completar la frase. Ejemplo:
This bag is not mine. It's yours.
a student. I study every day.
be your friend?
These trousers
new. They are old.
my cousins.
sad. I am happy.
Ana and Laris doctors?
C. Write: he is, she is, it is, they are, where they correspond. "Escribe: he is, she is, de es, they are, donde corresponden."
a postman.
a tennis ball.
a dangerous and wild animal.
a journalist.
a policewoman.
a butcher.
D. Write the plural form as in the sample. "Escribe la forma plural como en la muestra
01 She is a girl.
They are girls.
02 He is a teacher.
03 I am a baker.
04 It is a cat.
05 I am a boy
06 You are a singer.
07 It is a deer.
I am
We are
You are
You are
He is, She is, It is
They are

Respuesta :



4.David is very happy.

2.They are good friends.

5. I am 20 years old.

6. you are colomblon.

3. The cot is on the table.

1. It is 7 o'clock.