Por favor me podrían ayudar si no saben no contesten

1) I am speaking with you
i am not speaking with you
are you speaking with me?
2) He is painting now
he isn't painting now
is he painting now?
3) She is listening
she isn't listening
is she listening?
4) it is flying
it isn't flying
is it flying?
5) She is crying at school
she isn't crying at school
is she crying at school?
6) Manuel is visiting Miami
Manuel isn't visiting Miami
is Manuel visiting Miami?
7) I am buying your gift
i am not buying your gift
are you buying my gift?
8) They are wearing the uniform
They aren't wearing the uniform
Are They wearing the uniform?
9) Eleonor and I are cooking
Eleonor and I aren't cooking
Are Eleonor and I cooking?
10) You are cleaning here
You aren't cleaning here
Am I cleaning here?
11) We are waiting for you
We aren't waiting for you
Are you waiting for me?