
Realice 10 ejemplos de will. En tiempo Futuro:

Deben hacer oraciones, pasarlas a preguntas y
responder de manera afirmativa y negativa conjuntamente, es decir deben haber dos
respuestas: una afirmativa y una negativa (respuestas largas), para cada oración. Las
oraciones deben estar en tiempo futuro simple.
porfaaaa es para mañana...

Respuesta :


1. Will your parents travel to Europe on holiday?

(-) No, my parents won't travel to Europe on holiday.

(+) My parents will travel to Europe on holiday

2. Will he pay his Internet bill next Friday?

(-) No, he won't pay his Internet bill next Friday

(+) He will pay his Internet bill next Friday

3. Will you do your homework with her next Sunday?

(-) No, I won't do my homework with her next Sunday

(+) I will do my homework with her next Sunday

4. Will you be tired with theses English exercises ?

(-) No, I won't be tired with theses English exercises

(+) I will be tired with theses English exercises

5. Will you be on time for the meeting tomorrow?

(-) No, I won't be on time for the meeting tomorrow.

(+) I will be on time for the meeting tomorrow

6. Will the students finish their English activities soon?

(-) No, the students won't finish their English activities soon

(+) The students will finish their English activities soon

7. Will you buy a new car next Saturday ?

(-) No, I won't buy a new car next Saturday

(+) I will buy a new car next Saturday

8. Will you get married in July ?

(-) No, I won't get married in July

(+) I will get married in July

9. Will we travel around the world with them next Drcember?

(-) No,We won't travel around the world with them next December.

(+) We will travel around the world with them next December

10. Will you be waiting for him all your life?

(-) No, I won't be waiting for him all my life

(+) I will be waiting for him all my life


Won't es la contracción en negativa de Will+Not