Complete the sentences with the words below. Use the Past Simple Passive, affirmative
or negative.
send • damage • steal • take • show
1. Some masterpieces_____
from the museum yesterday.
2. This photograph______
when we were on holiday in London.
3. His paintings____ to art critics at an exhibition last week. Everyone loved his work.
4. Luckily, his drawings_____in yesterday’s fire.
5. In the past, letters____
hffjfjfjfjhfhfjdjdjjdkdkdkfkfkfkfkdkdkfkffkfkfmffmmmddmmdmdmddmmdmdmdmdmdmdmdmdmdmdmmdmdmddmdmdmdmfmfmfmfmfmmfmfmfmmdmdmdmf no se también quiero la respuesta