The whisk is called chasen. A whisk is like a brush made from wire. People use it to mix tea. Tea whisks are made from bamboo. The tea caddy called natsume or cha-ire. A tea caddy is a special container that people put green tea powder in There are two kinds of tea caddies: natsume and cha-ire. Natsume are short and have a flat lid and a round bottom. They are made of wood. Sometimes natsume is called cha-ki. Cha-ire are tall and thin, and are made of ceramic Natsume and cha-ire are used in different ceremonies Making weak tea (called usu-cha) needs natsume, and making strong tea (called koi-cha) needs cha-ire. The napkin is called fukusa. A fukusa is a special square cloth made out of silk. It is used to symbolically purify the tea scoop and tea caddy...... cuales son los verbos de aca ? ayuda raza