Jhean021912go Jhean021912go Inglés contestada Ayuda porfa Pregunta 1 Is this yours? There is There are Yes, it is No, is not Yes, it isn’t Pregunta 2 Sweaters are usually worn during…. Summer days Windy days hot days Winter days rainy days Pregunta 3 Drinking hot tea with lemon is recommended for … backaches backpain toothache colds earaches Pregunta 4 Is there a garage in your house? Yes, there is Yes, it is there Yes, there are No, it isn’t Pregunta 5 _____ ____ more rooms in a house No, there aren’t There is There aren’t Yes, there is There are Pregunta 6 What are you studying? I am studying psychology I studying psychology I study psychology I study for psychology I am studying to psychology Pregunta 7 What’s going on in the office? Our boss is giving a speech Our boss has a problem Our boss is not here There is a problem There is an accident Pregunta 8 Go _______ and then _________ right Turn, straight Straight, turn Right, turn Go straight, turn right Straight, go Pregunta 9 Where is the pharmacy? From the corner To the corner By the corner For the corner At the corner Pregunta 10 People don’t usually _____ during national holidays sleep work go out travel celebrate