Justocondori192003go Justocondori192003go Inglés contestada Pregunta 1 1 punto My favorite subject is Language Arts What subject you like more? What’s your favorite subject? What subject is your favorite? What subject do you love? What subject do you like? Pregunta 2 1 punto I prefer jeans What do you prefer to wear? Jeans or pants do your prefer? Are jeans or pants? Do you prefer to use jeans or pants? Do you prefer to wear jeans or pants? Pregunta 3 1 punto Sandals and heels are …. The same similar different diverse opposites Pregunta 4 1 punto Is this yours? Yes, it isn’t There are There is Yes, it is No, is not Pregunta 5 1 punto I _____ in Paris ________ year Visited, past Visited, last Visit, this Visit, last Visited, this Pregunta 6 1 punto What time is it? early O’clock 10 it 10 o’clock late It is 10 o’clock Pregunta 7 1 punto What’s your school schedule? daily everyday Monday to Friday weekly Monday tru Friday Pregunta 8 1 punto Where is the pharmacy? At the corner From the corner By the corner To the corner For the corner Pregunta 9 1 punto How do I get to the bank? Left turn Go left, turn straight Straight, then left Go straight, then turn left Turn straight, then go left Pregunta 10 1 punto People don’t usually _____ during national holidays sleep celebrate work travel go out Pregunta 11 1 punto Where do you live? By the park Next to the park In a park On the park At the park Pregunta 12 1 punto _____ ____ more rooms in a house There is There are There aren’t No, there aren’t Yes, there is Pregunta 13 1 punto What can I take for my headache? Take a painkiller Take a syrup Have a syrup Drink soup Take a nap Pregunta 14 1 punto Where is theTaj Mahal? It hindi It is in India Hindi In India It is hindi Pregunta 15 1 punto Where does he work? Work at hospital He works at a hospital He work at a hospital at a hospital hospital Pregunta 16 1 punto What’s going on in the office? There is a problem Our boss is giving a speech Our boss has a problem Our boss is not here There is an accident Pregunta 17 1 punto What are you doing? I watch tv I am good I am watching tv I watching tv I am a doctor Pregunta 18 1 punto ____ I take ____order? Do, you May, you May, my Do, your May, your Pregunta 19 1 punto How are you? very Good I 21 am well ok I am fine Pregunta 20 1 punto What’s your nationality? I is chinese I are chinese I chinese Chinese I am chinese