Have you seen my house? Yes, is that creepy one there. You may be asking yourself "How has he ended up in that place?"; well, the answer is quite simple. My family has owned this house since 1840. As you can see, it is very old, but my family has taken care of it during all this time for a very special reason: ghosts. My grandpa told me that the house was built on a native Bolivian cemetery, so it has been cursed since then. Many people have seen mysterious shadows walking in the house and things moving; they have also hears strange noises, like a little girl crying or an animal scratching. I haven't seen any ghosts, but I have felt them and I have also seen what they can do. Let me explain myself. I went to the house for my vacation and one night I saw that the mirror of living room was full of blood, but when I looked again there was nothing. I'm really scared of this place, but now I have to live here for a few years because l inherited it from my grandfather. a