alguien me puede ayudar? es de live works

- She will cook next week.
- I'm sure they will understand you.
- I think I will go camping this summer.
- Maybe I will bake some cupcakes later.
- We will win the match.
- You will be a doctor.
- The movie will start soon.
- They will study hard.
- He will call you.
Solo tienes que agregar "will + verbo".
- I won't drink coca-cola today.
- In the future robots won't do my homework.
- He won't give me back my pencil.
- You won't fall the best. (esa no la leo bien, pero agregas won't + el verbo.)
- We won't win the match.
- You won't go swimming.
- We won't do it.
- It won't rain.
- You won't come to my birthday.
El mismo caso con will, solo pones "won't + el verbo".
- Will he study hard?
- Will you do your homework?
En las preguntas será el Will primero, luego el pronombre y después el verbo (will + pronombre + verbo + el resto de la oración).
Espero que te sirva. :D