
The dog was not only quiet ___ ____ was very gentle and friendly

I need to know whether your brother will join the team ___ not.

Hardly had I arrived home_____ my phone rang.

My friend Janice provides pet care services for both cats ___ dogs.

Just as my father is learning Spanish ________ my mom is learning French.

No sooner had I taken my shoes off ______ I found out we had to leave again.

I do not know whether I should study French ___ Italian.

Neither Diego ____ Raul has passed the soccer tryouts.

I either want to go on vacations to Cancun ____ Playa del Carmen.

We ordered both pasta ____ pepperoni pizza.

Scarcely had she finished reading ______ she fell asleep.

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1 :The dog was not only quiet but was very gentle and friendly/El perro no solo era tranquilo, sino que también era muy amable y amigable.

2:I need to know whether your brother will join the team o not./Necesito saber si tu hermano se unirá al equipo o no.

3:Hardly had I arrived home y  my phone rang./Apenas habĂ­a llegado a casa y sonĂł mi telĂ©fono.

4:My friend Janice provides pet care services for both cats  dogs./Mi amiga Janice brinda servicios de cuidado de mascotas tanto para gatos como para perros.

5:Just as my father is learning Spanis well  my mom is learning French./AsĂ­ como mi padre está aprendiendo bien español, mi madre está aprendiendo francĂ©s.

6:No sooner had I taken my shoes off I found out we had to leave again./Tan pronto como me quité los zapatos, descubrí que teníamos que irnos de nuevo.

7:I do not know whether I should study French  o  Italian./No sĂ© si debo estudiar francĂ©s o italiano.

8:Neither Diego neither Raul has passed the soccer tryouts./Ni Diego ni RaĂşl han pasado las pruebas de fĂştbol.

9:I either want to go on vacations to Cancun on Playa del Carmen./Yo tampoco quiero ir de vacaciones a CancĂşn en Playa del Carmen.

10:We ordered both pasta and pepperoni pizza/Pedimos pasta y pizza de pepperoni.

11:Scarcely had she finished reading and she fell asleep./Apenas habĂ­a terminado de leer y se quedĂł dormida.

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