
historia de aventura en presente simple DOY CORONA es para hoy

Respuesta :

this is marco
marco is a happy kid,

he like to read a lot of fairy tales

but marco is alone now, marco lives near to the forest
and marco wants to meet another boy like him.

he go to the kitchen, nobody is here

then he go to the door...
he opens the door

and later marco go walk past to the forest,

marco is felling weird, he is scaried,

but he do not care he really want to meet to someone.

walk and walk until he hear a noise

he turn his head he cannot see anything

later he hear another noise

he is fully terrified

marco run away from the forest,

and he is smacked by a tree

he check his face if he is not bleeding

affortunately he is not bleeding.

he stand up and run so far away

and he go running to his house

and he close his door

and he cannot sleep, he cries a lot
but later cames his mother and lay down next to him

his mom kisses to him and sang to him a crib song

marco close his eyes now marco can sleep again