
2.write sentences.use correct form of the verb TO BE
-I / young__________
-she / clever______
-you / not old______
-we / not naughry________
-she / not short_________
-it / blue__________
-They / unhappy_______
-He / not Hungry_______
-They / tidy______
-He / handsome_________
-We / architects________

3. chance the sentences into questions:

-He is football player______________
-She is a dancer______________
-we are students__________
-Mario is adult_________
-Cristina is nurse_________
-Michael is his uncle_________
-Tomas is a pilot__________

4.answer the questions aborto you:

-Are you student?

-Is your Mother an artist?

-is your Farmer in París?

-Are you from Bogota?

-Are you inteligent?

Respuesta :


I am young

She is clever

You aren't old

We aren't naughry

She isn't short

It is blue

They are unhappy

He isn't Hungry

They are tidy

He is handsome

We are architects

Is he a football player?

Is she a dancer?

Are we students?

Is Mario adult?

Is Cristina nurse?

Is Michael his uncle?

Is Tomas a pilot?

Yes, I am

Yes she is/No she isn't

Yes he is/No he isn't

Yes I am/No I am not

Yes I am /No I am not
