Respuesta :
Respuestas en negrita y subrayadas:
1. John didn't go to the party because he felt moody. If ___ (hadn't)
Answer 1: If he hadn't felt moody he would have gone to the party.
Translation 1: Si él no se hubiera sentido malhumorado, habría ido a la fiesta.
2. The fans respected the captain because he played well. They ____ (wouldn't)
Answer 2: They would not respect the captain if he had not played well.
Translation 2: Ellos no respetarían al capitán si él no hubiera jugado bien.
4. I wasn't there, so I didn't see you. I ____ (seen)
Answer 4: I would have seen you if you had been there.
Translation 4: Yo te hubiera visto si tú hubieras estado allí.
5. The team were pessimistic because they lost lasy week. If ___ (wouldn't)
Answer 5: If they hadn't lost last week they wouldn't be pessimistic.
Translation 5: Si ellos no hubieran perdido la semana pasada no serían pesimistas.
6. He gave up smoking when he met his girlfriend. If ____ (hadn't)
Answer 6: If he hadn't met his girlfriend, he wouldn't have given up smoking.
Translation 6: Si él no hubiera conocido a su novia no habría dejado de fumar.
7. Sam wasn't optimistic about passing his exam because he hadn't revised much. He ___ (would)
Answer 7: He would be optimistic about passing his exam if he had revised much.
Translation 7: Él sería optimista sobre aprobar su examen si él hubiera repasado mucho.
8. She was very successful because she had a positive attitude. If ____ (hadn't)
Answer 8: If she hadn't had a positive attitude she would not have been as successful.
Translation 8: Si ella no hubiera tenido una actitud positiva, no habría tenido tanto éxito.