ayuda porfavor es para hoy plisss porfa si no saben no responda porfa

Conversacion 1:
Person 1: Hello, I wanted to invite you to camp in the forest, can you go?
Person 2: Hello, when and at what time?
Person 1: It would be at 6pm on Sunday I'll pick you up and let's go
Person 2: On Monday I must get up very early so they will not be able, sorry
Person 1: It´s ok don´t worry :)
Conversacion 3:
Person 1: Hello Friend! What do you think if we go to the cinema today at 4pm they will premiere the one we wanted to see!
Person 2: Hello Friend! Yes, of course you tell me and I will pick you up at 3:30 pm to be on time
Person 1: Great friend, I'll let you know! see you
Person 2: See you!
Conversacion 4:
Person 1: Hi brother, I wanted to invite you to a dance class this afternoon, can you?
Person 2: Hello sister, you know that I do not like to dance and less publicly :(
Person 1: True brother, sorry for asking
Person 2: Calm sister, no problem, thank you for the invitation :)
Espero te sirva!! dame coronita :3
A para que le des coronita a la otra persona yo ni idea xd